Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Are you done yet?

Just a quick blurb today. While I was at work today, I realized something that I miss during the summer. Other moms can attest to this I'm sure. When the kids are in school, and the hubby is at work, and I have a day off.....I can go to the bathroom (or take a shower, or go shopping) for however long I want, without anyone wondering where I've been, how long I'm going to be or knocking on the door asking "Are you done yet?" Or "Did you fall in?"  During the summer, when the kids are home all day, I don't get that. I feel like I need to hurry out of the bathroom, speed through the grocery line or shorten my jog. *sigh* It's good to be needed......but it's nice to have my own undivided attention sometimes.