Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Happy Christmas Holidays

Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!  Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!
I don't quite understand the big uproar over holiday greetings.  People have been saying "Happy Holidays" for years without problems.  Bing Crosby sang it in 1942.  No one yelled or grumbled about it then.  The grumbling started when people decided they didn't want to offend those who do not celebrate Christmas, by saying "Merry Christmas", so they started saying "Happy Holidays".  That's nice.  Not offending others is a good practice in life.  But you can't please everyone.   Suddenly the people who DO celebrate Christmas were offended.  This whole thing can be fixed pretty easily though: everyone who is offended by a holiday wish of any sort should stuff it.  When someone tells you Happy Holidays, or Merry Christmas, or Happy Hanukkah, etc....they aren't doing so with malicious intentions.  No one is thinking "Oooh, this guy looks like he's Jewish, I'm gonna burn his butt by wishing him  Merry Christmas."  or "Oh ho!  This lady is a stubborn old Christian, I'll say Happy Holidays just to piss her off".  No.  They are wishing you a joyous, happy, fun, loving, family-filled holiday (whatever holiday it is you celebrate).  I celebrate Christmas but if someone were to wish me a Happy Hanukkah or a Joyous Kwanzaa I would not be offended.  I am open minded enough to recognize and accept that other people, other countries, other religions have different practices and holidays than me.  There is so much negativity and misunderstanding in this world, I am happy to accept their blessing for a wonderful day.  So, next time someone tells you "Happy Holidays", don't gripe and moan, or grumble or argue.  Say "Thank you!" and be grateful that they chose to say something (anything) nice to you in the first place!

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