I know, it's been a while since you've heard from me. Remember earlier this year (waaay back in January I think) I decided what my New Year's resolution was going to be for 2013? It was to finish the 5k race in Grand Marais without walking. Between having asthma, and being way out of shape, I thought it was a tough but achievable goal. I worked really hard all year. I started with the "Couch to 5k" program (which can be found here). I started and restarted. I redid some weeks. Ok, I redid several weeks. I mean, come on, jumping from 5 minutes to 8 minutes of jogging was rough, ok? The point is, though, that on Saturday, August 31, I ran the race. And I reached my goal! I ran the WHOLE 5k. No walking. The only time I stopped was at the water booth - I haven't yet mastered the art of running and drinking water, ha ha. I would have ended up wearing the water, instead of drinking it. I was so proud and excited when I crossed the finish line that I had tears in my eyes. My best friend, who was working at the time, missed my finish because I finished FASTER THAN EXPECTED!!
So, while I'm still riding that wave of success, I'd like to announce my 2014 New Year's resolution. I know, I'm a little early.......3 1/2 months early to be exact. But this is a goal that adds onto what I have already done, and something that needs to be started NOW. So here it is, da da da da:
That link will take you to the information for THIS year's race, which just happened on September 7. I have one year to increase my mileage from the 2.5 (or so) miles that I run regularly, to 8 miles. I'll keep you guys posted on my progress, as the year goes on. Wish me luck!
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