Sunday, April 19, 2015

A New Fun Project

I've been kind of letting any and all writing fall to the wayside. I like writing - and they say, to get better, you should write every day - but sometimes, I just don't know what to write about.  Sometimes, the ideas just don't come and whatever story or blog I've been working on just ends up stagnant.  So, I found this new app.  I simply open the app, it gives me a randomly generated subject, I set a timer for 10 minutes and just go. I've decided to share the results of these sessions with you.  I'm not sure how long I'll keep this up.  You know me, short attention span LOL Today's random subject:

"How do you feel about cooking?"

My first thought was " do I write for 10 minutes about COOKING?"  I almost hit the button again for a new subject, before I decided that was kind of cheating. So I started my timer and started typing.  Here's the result:

"How do you feel about cooking"
I guess you could say I like cooking.  Not the day-to-day kind of cooking where you're just making something quick and easy to feed the family, before getting the kids showered and in bed because they have school in the morning.  I like cooking for large family gatherings. The turkey's in the oven, the potatoes are boiling on the stove.  Pies and dinner rolls are prepared and sitting on pans, waiting their turn to cook. There's a glass wine or a bottle of your favorite beer (mine is Smirnoff Ice) nearby while you chop lettuce and your best friend cuts up tomatoes for the salad. Your sister is chasing the kids around in the other room.  I like the kind of cooking that brings people together, not just for a meal, but for celebration or companionship.  The kind of cooking that involves conversation and jokes and laughter. It involves cooperation and multi-tasking. You have to get the turkey out before it's too dry, and carve it up. And you have to mash the potatoes and make the gravy, but not too soon, or they'll be cold before the turkey is carved and ready. And don't forget the rolls! Putting them in OR getting them out!!! I forgot about garlic bread once. It wasn't pretty. It was a tad bit burnt. Well, really burnt. Okay, okay! It was actually ON FIRE! So don't forget about the rolls! But with the perfect timing, and a lot of help, it's like magic when the entire meal - steaming hot - is ready to serve and placed on the table. Everyone ooohs and ahhhs over the perfectly golden turkey.  There's happy chatter as everyone grabs a plate and digs in, buffet style.  Then, for just a minute or two.......we're all quiet, even the kids.  Because we all have our mouths full of taste bud heaven, and it deserves a moment of silence. 

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