Friday, June 3, 2016


I have a lot of things coming up at various times this year that I just don't feel like I have enough time to prepare for them. Like what, you ask?
- the dirty dog dash - it's tomorrow. I didn't train. I know, my own fault. I had plenty of time but I wasted it.
- my son's graduation - it's the day after tomorrow. The only prep needed in mentally, and you could say I've had 18 years to prepare for this.....but parents, is it ever possible to actually be ready for this?
- my son's graduation party - it's next week. Friends and family are coming from all over the state. My house needs major cleaning. And, can I afford to feed all the people I promised a meal?
- music festival - I was planning on having a booth at festival this year. It's not until August but I just can't figure out how to put together a decent amount of "stock" in time.
- road trip - this is in October. Plenty of time left for this one right? Is it? We don't know exactly where we're going yet, or what we're going to do there. How can you plan a budget and save money when you don't know?

So my anxiety levels are through the roof right now. You're thinking, hey we all get nervous and worry about stuff, no big deal. No - you don't understand. What I mean is, my hands are shaking, my heart is pounding, my breathing is shallow and quick. I'm sitting in my car holding back tears (well, most of them), telling myself to breathe in, breathe out, repeat; and I'm trying to talk myself into going for a walk when all I want to do is point my car south and drive until I run out of gas and money. Breathe in.....breathe out.........

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