For those of you who may have stumbled onto this blog by accident, looking for something worthwhile to read, and don't know me.....or perhaps for those of you who think you know me.........but don't.......I thought I would introduce myself, and those who will probably star in many of my future ramblings, a little more thoroughly. My name is Rachel.
Daughter, grand-daughter, sister, wife, mother. I celebrated my 33rd birthday and my 13th anniversary this year. I recently diagnosed myself with social anxiety. Yep, diagnosed myself. Just call me “Doc.” I have no intention of going to a psychologist so they can tell me what I already know. Low self-esteem, a little paranoia thrown in, with the occasional anxiety attack over nothing. Yea, I warned you there was craziness. But at least I have a sense of humor. I can laugh at my own problems, thereby helping me get over them. So, now that you all know about the voices in my head (insert evil cackle here), let’s move on.
I like to write poetry. When I experience strong emotions, words just seem to fly from my pen in rhyme. Perhaps I will share some here in my blog. But not today. Photography is my hobby, passion and, hopefully, future means of income. Shameless plug: If you live in the Petoskey area, and would like some pictures taken (family, kids, wedding, etc) get a hold of me!
That’s probably enough about me for now. I don’t want to scare anyone away. So how about a quick go-over of my favorite people and places. Well, place. There’s one place on this beautiful earth that I love more than anywhere else: Grand Marais. It’s a tiny town on Lake Superior. Growing up, you can’t wait to get away because there’s “nothing to do” and “nowhere to go”. But now, like many others, the small town life calls to me. Aside from the beaches with their warm sand and cool water, there’s also the sand dunes, the falls, so many woods to explore. My favorite thing to do in Grand Marais, though, is nothing. I know this sounds funny, but picture this. You, a few members of your large family, and your best friend, have just finished dinner (where there’s always enough food to feed whoever may stop by too), dishes are done, and now you’re sitting on the porch, beverage of choice in hand. The kids are running around the yard, playing in the sandbox, swinging on the tree swing, or drawing on the sidewalk with chalk. You wave at everyone who passes by because they a) went to your school too, b) are another family member or b) a regular visitor to the town. And though you may not have spoken with the people you are sitting with in a few hours, a few weeks, or even a few months (my last visit included a cousin I hadn't seen in many years), conversation flows readily, punctuated with much laughter, and pauses are never awkward.
To be continued…….
You know, this sounds very much like the opening chapter of a novel already! ;)