Sunday, August 28, 2011

Status Shuffle Frame of Mind

I watched "The Social Network" a few days ago.  It was eye opening.  I know it was just a movie, but it WAS based on actual events that occurred as Facebook came into being.  Now, several years later, it has changed the world.  We all communicate in 140 characters or less.  Quirky, funny, whiny, whatever.  We have a friend list full of people we know, or knew once, or met once.  It even changed the way we think.  Yes, think.  How many times have you said "Oh my god, I have to Facebook that!"  Or "Check out what I posted on Facebook!"  Do I HAVE to go online to check it out?  Can't you just tell me??

Have you ever caught yourself thinking in Facebook status mode?  As I'm going through my day I realize the thoughts that flow through my head are something like:

  • Rachel is waiting for her pants to dry before going to work, cuz she forgot to put them in the dryer last night.
  • Rachel is on her way to work, and running late, but MUST stop to take a picture of this sunrise.
  • Rachel is on Facebook, while watching the movie ABOUT Facebook, LOL.
  • One batch down, one to go.  Who wants zucchini bread?  Too bad, it's all mine.
Then I catch myself analyzing each of these thoughts.  How many "likes" would that status bring?  Is it funny?  Is it inspiring?  Is it whiny?  Or would it make someone think "Who the < insert expletive of choice here> cares?!?!"  If the last is true, the thought gets discarded and I move on.  Facebook has "status shuffle", I have "thought shuffle".  I am convinced this is a sign of a serious addiction to Facebook.  Does anyone know where the nearest Facebook-aholics Anonymous Meeting is??

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