Today we drove from Little Rock, Arkansas to New Orleans, Louisiana. See that picture there on the left? Farm land. Yep, we saw a LOT of farm land. A lot. However, I am happy because a good
portion of the farm land we drove by was.....cotton! Two years ago, on our drive to Georgia, we passed by a cotton field. I had never seen cotton on the plant before, and I didn't realize that's what it was. I said "Oooh, look at the field of white flowers. It's so pretty. I wonder what it is." Carl and Brandon were both quick to point out that it wasn't flowers, it was cotton. I wanted to stop and get pictures but we were going very fast down a highway, with many other very fast cars around us, so Carl refused to stop. This trip, I warned him that if we saw cotton, we WERE stopping for pictures. So, tada!
We did! Ok, please forgive my ignorance as you read on from here. I have never seen cotton on the plant up close, ok? I didn't expect it to just look like cotton balls. Like, what you buy in the makeup section of Walmart. Only dirty because, you know, it hasn't been all cleaned up yet. I even grabbed a couple pieces. No, I didn't steal it off the plant. There were some loose bits here and there (and everywhere) on the ground, so I nabbed a few.
Our route took us through Vicksburg, Mississippi which is actually our NEXT destination after New Orleans. So we got a little preview. We stopped for lunch in downtown Vicksburg and let me just say I loved it, and I can't wait until we come back in a couple days to explore. But for now - on to New Orleans!
As we got closer and closer to New Orleans, there was less land and more water. In fact, there was a very long portion of the highway that was built on pillars because there was so much marsh and just enough land for people to build the occasional collection of houses. I can only assume they access these houses by boat.
After dealing with some crazy traffic, and driving through some sketchy neighborhoods, we arrived at the house we're renting for a couple days. The house is located about at close to the River as possible but we can't see the water from the window, thanks to the earthen levee across the road. Although the house itself is also located in a neighborhood that, to me, seems a bit sketchy, the house is nice and the apartment we're staying in has sturdy doors and locks. Tomorrow we explore! For now, check out some more pics below:
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