Monday, October 24, 2016

Road Trip Days 9 and 10 - The Long Road Home

Well, that's all folks.  Our big adventure is over.  We spent all of Saturday and Sunday in the car, driving home. It's approximately a 16 hour drive from Vicksburg to Petoskey.  Ugh.  That's a lot of driving.  So we broke it up into two days.  Saturday we drove from Vicksburg to Mattoon, Illinois and Sunday we drove from Mattoon to home.  It was a fairly uneventful drive.  I do have a couple pictures for you.  We also made a list of all the states we either visited or passed through on this trip.  Michigan (of course), Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Tennessee (just barely).  8 states!  And we ended up crossing the Mississippi 10 times!  Well, Madison and I crossed 10 times, Carl crossed 8 times.  For an explanation of that, please check out Road Trip Day 2.  The most exciting thing that happened on the way home is when we passed by a cotton field being burned.  Apparently this is done to kill off boll weevils and prepare for the next planting of cotton.

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